Produits diététiques

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Offre N°
Produits diététiques
Extraits de plantes fraîches
Description : Moringa Oleifera naturally pure Moringa "Miracle tree" whereby every part of the tree is used for natural health care and well being from the roots,seeds, leaves, bark , for oil, powder seeds, from for the human condition, for animal feed and even for purifying water
Produits diététiques
Capsules, gélules, ampoules
Description : Organic Oleifera is the greatest natural medicinal food supplement plant on the planet where by every past of the tree is derived and processed as a dietary supplement for humans as well as animals. Moringa oil, leaves, seeds, powder, roots, bark is used on meats, salads, in soups, drinks, teas. etc etc
Produits diététiques
Compléments alimentaires
Description : Organic Oleifera is the greatest natural medicinal food supplement plant on the planet where by every past of the tree is derived and processed as a dietary supplement for humans as well as animals. Moringa oil, leaves, seeds, powder, roots, bark is used on meats, salads, in soups, drinks, teas. etc etc
Produits diététiques
Jus en ampoule
Description : Organic oleifera for drink supplements in fruit juices, teas, smoothies, shakes, super drinks colas. etc. etc
Produits diététiques
Autres produits dietetiques
Description : Organic oleifera oil, powder, seeds etc, is one of the worlds most natural dietary food supplements as as for drink supplements in teas, smoothies, shakes, super drinks colas. etc. etc
Produits diététiques
Capsules, gélules, ampoules
Description : Moringa Organic leaf and seed powders are also offered in capsule form as a food and general health suppliment
Produits diététiques
Compléments alimentaires
Description : Moringa Oleifera natural "Miracle tree" food supplements whereby every part of the tree is used for natural health care and well being from the roots, seeds, capsules, leaves, bark, for oil, powder seeds, for traditional medicine for humans as well as for animal feed and even for purifying water. Moringa oil and powder is sprinkled on all types of food, salads to main course, soups and drinks , teas, super drinks etc,, confection/candies etc, etc
Produits diététiques
Compléments alimentaires
Description : compléments alimentaires
Produits diététiques
Aliments pour bébé
Description : Biscuits we bake for children are made exclusively with healthy ingredients and sweetened with natural sweeteners only. Most often we use organic rice syrup, agave nectar, or crushed organic fruit. Our products for children are currently being redesigned and our range of organic products for children will gradually be expanded.
Their balanced recipe is suitable for children 1+ year.
Produits diététiques
Sativa, Desenvolvimento Rural Lda
Extraits de plantes fraîches
Description : Extraits de plantes
Produits diététiques
Compléments alimentaires
Description : L’ail noir permettrait d’améliorer la capacité antioxydante du corps, 120 gélules de 595mg.
L’ail noir est originaire d’Asie (Japon, Corée, Chine). Il est obtenu par fermentation de l’ail frais. Après la fermentation, il contient moins d’allicine, un composé responsable de la mauvaise digestion de l’ail chez certaines personnes. Il renferme plusieurs éléments : la S-allyl-mercaptocystéine, de l’allyl-cystéine, quelques composés organosulfurés liposolubles, des flavonoides et d’autres nutriments essentiels comme le sélénium.

Information : C’est de l’ail « normal » (ail blanc, que l’on trouve dans le commerce) qui a subi différentes fermentations (couple temps-température qui varie). Bi-fermentation des bulbes d’ail qui prend entre 2 à 3 mois.
Produits diététiques
Autres produits dietetiques
Description : It is a great pleasure to introduce our company M/s.Saravana Agencies
We are based as Indian region doing export & import mostly in respect of ORGANIC AND DIETARY NUTRITION FOOD PRODUCTS on expanding our trade globally.

Please find enclosed herewith our attachment showing the area of interest ranging from Food Millets and Pulses.
Produits diététiques
Description : best quality of moroccan endemic products
Produits diététiques
Control Union
Extraits de plantes fraîches
Description : We at “House of GEO-FRESH organic” are involved in the business of organic farming, processing and exports/supply of Certified Organic - Medicinal Herbs, Spices, Oil Seeds, Pulses and Extraction of medicinal herbs as well as in preparation of herbal formulations. Our cultivated Organic-produce and processing unit are accredited by SKAL International as per USDA NOP & EEC 2092/91 regulations.
Produits diététiques
Produits de l?effort
Description : Picralima Nitida is a seed used in African herbal medicine primarily as a pain reliever.  Known as akuamma, the seed contains the alkaloids, akuammine and pericine as well as a number of related minor alkaloids.  Aside from analgesia,  picralima nitida seeds are also used as an anti-inflammatory, a skeletal muscle relaxant  and an anti-diarrheal. Akuammine is an indole alkaloid that is structurally related to yohimbine and mitragynine.  Akuammine is soluble in ethanol. Traditionally akuamma seeds were powdered and taken orally. But given the extremely bitter nature of the seeds, it is not surprising that pharmaceutical makers in Africa isolated the active compounds to produce capsules sold under the name Picap. The seeds are said to contain about 3.5%-4.8% akuammine.

 We offer dried and powder akuamma seed  from Africa. Please kindly let us know if you are interested in our product.
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